Pet Vaccinations

Pet vaccinations are something that should be taken very seriously. They are one of the best ways to protect against serious diseases that can out your pet’s health at risk. They also act as a preventative measure for your pet’s health and give them the best chance at building their immune system up fully.

Dog and Cat Vaccinations involve injecting a small and weak strain of the virus, giving the pets white cells a chance to react to the antigen and develop a protective response against the disease. This means, if and when they do come into contact with it in the future, they will be able to fight off the infection by giving a defence response

Why You Should Prioritise Cat & Dog Vaccinations

If you don’t go through a pet vaccination schedule, there is a high chance you are putting your much-loved pet at the risk of an infectious disease in the future. It is better to prevent them from getting any viruses rather than treatment, which can be costly and not always work. In some cases, depending on the age and condition of your pet, it can be fatal as a full cure isn’t developed.

Also, it is important for many insurance policies they require you to keep up to date with a pet vaccination to ensure your policy remains valid in the event you need to make a claim.

When Should I Start with Pet Vaccinations?

For puppies, pet vaccinations usually start around 8 weeks old, followed by booster injections 2 weeks later. They then need to have annual booster injections to keep their immune system protected against infectious diseases.

For kittens, their first set of vaccinations usually starts at 9 and 12 weeks old, and the same as dogs followed up by yearly booster cat vaccinations.

It’s important to keep your pet vaccination record safe and check if your vet offers a vaccination reminder service to keep you on top of appointments.

dog vaccinations

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